Welcome To 5PercentLess.com

Our goal is to save you at least 5 % on your printing orders!

Email or fax us your lowest legitimate printing quote and we will beat it by 5 % or we will give you 1000 Full Color Business Cards absolutely FREE!!!

Send it today - what can you lose?

100% Money Back Guarantee

1019 W. Main Street
Morehead, Kentucky 40351
(606) 784-2858
Fax: (606) 784-0024


We reserve the right to not bid on any printing projects that we have not sent an invitation for you to visit this site for.

If your business is like many others during this extremely hard financial time, cutting expenses is important and 5 % off your printing order is worth pursuing.
We can save you at least 5 % off your printing orders.  Give us a try!

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Fax your quote to:

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